Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Monday, 4 June 2007

Volunteer day

The 4th of June was volunteer day at Ordsall Cafe. Why were YOU not there?

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Healthy Walks

Do your heart a favour - have a healthy walk! Go from the Occ, see the Quays! And spot my house here.

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

A tax on jobs

Graeme is about to be forced out of work by the Salford Council congestion charge. Was this the idea?
1) Graeme is a single parent of two kids. He has to have a car to move his stuff around. If you introduce a congestion charge, there is no point in him working!
a. It wipes out his earnings as he only works part time. He was to pay car tax all the time!
2) Stacy is very upset! She has emailed her councillors! But we know what good they are!
a The residents can claim a discount rate for use of the road. However what is there to stop the council closing the minor roads, to force you on to the dearest roads.
b Will you reopen closed roads through Ordsall, so residents can avoid charging routes?
c Do emergency cars still have to pay the charge?
3) Jonathan in a disabled guy. If you start charging him to move around, he can’t! He has a disabled badge, but the congestion charge will mean it has no value!
4) Will Salford Council invite the video reporters to come and film them, and put it out on this blog? The congestion charge has nothing to do with helping people, but aims to give the government your money.

Community Video Reporters

We are doing video reporters at Ordsall Cafe - come and join us!

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

fire update

interview about cafe fire in manchester

link to file